Social Ecology: A Connected History

Seoul, Korea

Book Chapter published in Model Transfer of Social Ecology in Asian Territory. ZZacBook, Korea, 2015, 100 pages


MANNISI, Alban, 2015, “Social Ecology: A Connected History”, in  MANNISI Alban (dir.), Social Ecology in Asian Territory. ZZacBook, Korea.100 pages


The movement of Globalization from the Grass-roots symbolizes the worldwide phenomenon of empowerment and emancipation of individuals within the management of the territory, in the same way that sustainable development has highlighted major eco-social concerns and helped to bring about the new research focus of Environmental Humanities to decipher its complex crises. Yet, although it profoundly overturned the prisms and scientific locks of our lifestyle, the history leading to the resilience of social ecologies remains to be done.


It is because if the stakeholders of this sustainable biosphere, that allows the deployment of the urban fabric, together with its inhabitants have always resisted in order to be heard, current social engineering today still hardly integrates them in the global environmental history. Despite recent methods assimilated by politics, market and expertise, social ecology suffers from this semantic vagueness which makes it too unmalleable. This is why it is important to allow this hermeneutic of nature / cultural imbrication to better reflect the new regimes of the historicity of citizen resistance movements at work nowadays.
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